Thursday, January 30, 2014


I pretend that I am okay. I wake up in the morning I prepare Mia’s food, get ready for work and drink my coffee…not without some frustration and the occasional crabbiness, yet still trying to act like everything is well and fine. I go to work and put on a good face and than I leave. Blasting music is almost the only way I can handle getting home to keep my thoughts from running wild. Picking Mia up distracts me and gives me a wonderful overwhelming feeling of love that I try to keep entrapped as long as I can. However, it never fails to come back to me, this overwhelming never-ending feeling of loneliness and confusion. I knew that my relationship may not last but I never expected for Mia to loose a parent. Regardless of what happened I always believed in my heart that he would do the right thing, after all he has two previous kids, I have seen the love in his eyes I know he means well….but 13 months later that’s not proving to be the point.

So many people have told me to move on, get over it, your better than this, and blah, blah, blah. Well…I am trying. All I can do right? I just can’t wrap my mind around what happened. Was it me, him, the alcohol or did I push him too hard? No matter what I do my mind runs back to these questions and thoughts repeatedly throughout the day. I may be in my car at home or in the store, it doesn’t matter and it never seems to go away. I wish that I was one of those people who could just move on, no regrets, here’s my path lets go. But, I can’t. Maybe, its because I feel like its my mother all over again, or maybe its because I can’t stand to be alone or what if its because I know no one will get through to him. Yes, this is me. I analyze my thoughts feelings, actions and basically entire life until I have driven myself completely mad or I pass out (which usually comes first).

All I know is that I grew up with out a dad, and I never wanted my own daughter to have to deal with that. This whole situation seems so hopeless. I feel guilty like somehow I caused this. My normal go-getter, out going personality has turned to hermitsville. I dread talking to people because I feel judged or criticized or hated. In the south single mom hood isn’t looked upon very nicely but up north well it wasn’t much better. Apparently, more than one person believed that I got pregnant on purpose, as if I needed more judgment, but people have opinions and truth be told when I was a kid I lied almost inherently. Thanks to my mom it was second nature and something I have fortunately grown out of. The trouble is trying to explain that to your family years later.

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