Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Unemployment Train...

Its 9:00 am, my daughter is actually still asleep and I am just now waking up. The idea of getting out of my bed seems useless and unnecessary. What if I just don’t get up today? I eventually get up and so does Mia and we make are way through making a late breakfast and coffee for mommy. Its Sunday so in many homes this may be the way it goes, however, this has been my daily habit for a couple weeks now. I have been quite surprised at how well my daughter has handled this transition into mommy’s lack of motivation and routine. I really have a trooper on my hands. You never know what the world is going to throw at you next it seems, and I was definitely not ready for this twist in the road. You see, a few weeks a go I walked into my office and carried on my usual daily work. I spoke with co-workers, handled some problems checked paper work and all while feeling extremely ill from my inflamed stomach problems at the time. When out of the blue my boss walks into the office and says “we need to talk and your not going to like it”. I was terminated on the spot, asked to clean out my things and told to leave with no severance, no two weeks and no respect. So, in less than an hour I went from a single working mommy to a single unemployed mommy or rather mess. am sure being unemployed as a single woman is hard but as a single mom it’s terrifying. As I drove down the road tears flooded my eyes and every worry and concern seemed to smack in the face at once. How would we survive? What am I going to do about food? We have no insurance. So I went home cried, took a 20-minute nap and got up and applied to 3 jobs before picking up my daughter from her babysitter. I didn’t want to pick her up in the condition I was when I got home. At first I was depressed but I felt pretty motivated about the new opportunities that lay ahead. Lets be honest, I was not happy at that job and so maybe this was a break for me. However, as the weeks progressed and multiple job interviews turned into nothing I slowly lost that motivation. This morning I woke up feeling tired, sad and hopeless. When multiple people make comments about your weight and ask if your “okay”, you start to realize that maybe your not handling things as well as you thought. 

I imagine that many single moms are out there right now struggling with the same thing. How do they do it without falling apart? My only guess is taking it one day at a time. I am fortunate to have a great amount of support from my friends and family, which has really held me up these past weeks. My daughter has been wonderfully resilient and dealt with mommy even with the ups and downs of the day, driving different places for interviews and not staying in her own bed. These things I am so grateful for, even when I in a bad mood and can’t express it. So, instead of looking at the sad, depressing aspects of this current situation I am trying to look at the positives.
1.     I get to spend more time with my daughter
2.     I get to spend more time writing
3.     New and exciting opportunities are waiting ahead
4.     Sleeping in is actually nice sometimes.
5.     I can catch up on my reading

I realize that lately I haven’t been looking at the positives and this is my reminder to others and myself that its time to start. I truly believe that we draw energy to us that we put out.  I don’t want to draw anymore-negative energy into my life. Its time to get some positive back and enjoy this new path we are on, wherever it may lead us. 

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