Sunday, April 10, 2016

Midnght Ramblings...

Saturday nights have certainly changed since I became a mom… a single working mom at that. As I am dozing off reading my latest self-help book on the couch with my sparkling water I realize I am probably just better off heading to bed. I get up to take out the trash and put my on my shoes, instantly realizing that one of them is soaking wet. Now, my daughter, who has been potty trained for months first comes to mind, I smell my shoe, that can’t be it so what is it? I reach down to the carpet and run my hand along the wall to realize, yet again, I have another water leak. I try to remain calm as I call the front desk and request on call maintenance and wait for their assistance. Unfortunately, maintenance than tells me that they are going to charge me $150 dollars if they come now and that I should wait until Monday. My calm goes out the window. My mind begins overloading as I think back on the previous two water issues, mildew mold, my daughters health, my health, money, and finally that fact that no laundry is getting done which will now sit in the washer half done until Monday.  My anxiety starts to rise and this is when I start to collapse.

I usually can maintain my cool these days using multiple different tools in my bag of tricks, including screaming into a pillow, however, sometimes it just boils over. Today my pot boiled over and spilled out all over the rug…literally. One really difficult part of this path for me is the lack of access to support that I feel sometimes. As a single mom there’s no one to hold my hand or run to when shit gets tough, and I am certainly not waking up a 3 year old. I use to have a huge group of friends and people in my life but something happens over time especially when you have kids and I no longer have access to them anymore. Sure my facebook is filled with “connections” but when it comes down to it, these people don’t really see me. Since my daughter was born only a small group of my friends have actually stuck around and by small I mean maybe two. Fortunately, I was able to build some new relationships with other moms but they aren’t always available, due to the same reasons I am not.

So, back to my aquatic adventure, as I start to crash I instantly reach to my phone and dial numbers only to find out that of course no one will answer at 10pm on a Saturday night. So, I do what any normal respecting sane parent would do and fall to the floor in a pile of tears. You may think I am just crying over water but that’s not the only concern. It’s a culmination of many days and weeks of similar small things adding to the current state of misery. You see, as I told my best friend (the only one available finally by phone), sometimes I feel like I am living in a sad 90’s chick flick. I mean sometimes I can laugh about it, but sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs “give me a break!”  I work so hard to be where I am and more often than not, I do it all by myself. So yes, you may see me on the outside: tough, resilient, smiling and laughing, but on the inside is an overwhelming pot of emotions just ready to spew out at something as simple as a leak. People like to give me all this advice for what a single mom should do, but at the end of the day, even though I can’t bring myself to ask for it, I just want someone there. Sometimes, all I need is a hug or to hear a voice, anything to know that I am not completely alone. I don’t want someone to tell me how to raise my daughter or criticize my choices or tease me because I can’t work out. “Figure it out”, they say. “You make time if you really want it” they say. 

Sure, live my life and than give me that advice because really, you have no idea! Maybe just a minute or two of peace would help but who wants to visit a one-bedroom apartment with a toddler? It seems that this new lifestyle is going to be something that I will always have to strive to get use to but maybe one day it won’t be just us. Maybe one day there will be someone else at the end of the phone or a helping hand. Maybe one day I won’t have to deal with bugs and leaks, past due bills, and lack of sleep. All I have is hope that I will get through this, hope that I will give my daughter the live she deserves and hope that all will work out. I do the best I can and sometimes if that means falling on the floor in a pile of tears, than that’s what I do. I let it out, brush it off and get up and try again. Its all I can do to keep moving forward and looking up and striving to be the best me I can be.