Mia Josephine....
10 months old...how can it be??
It seems that I started out raging forward on this mommy hood track and somewhere in the middle I lost touch with reality for awhile but I am back again and ready to focus on myself my daughter and the joys of our new life and what comes with it.
So my little darling is 10 months and I can't believe it. How does time fly? Heres a little insight into her life at the moment:
- Still wearing anywhere from 3- 6/9 month clothing (mostly 3-6)
- Finally switching to size 3 diapers!!
- Still no teeth although I hear that is a good thing, definitely some bumps coming though.
- Eating more solids, loves her greens and of course anything she can pick up she has a great pincher grap.
- Mommy makes her food so its usually veggies, legumes, grains no meat yet (still not sure about that one)
- Only on about 3 bottles a day now.
- Growls like a raptor - no joke, this is very serious and amusing :)
- Crawling up a storm! Thank goodness for legwarmers
- Loves to say "uh oh", mamma and just today dog!
- Current love : stuffed buffalo from Uncle kirk and Aunt Dianne
- Second love : pretty much anything that's tiny - paper clips, dust bunnies, paper scraps, rocks.
- Observes everything, absolutely stares in awe and rarely cries.
- Loves to climb, out of her high chair on top of boxes, underneath tables, shes a spider monkey at heart.
- still spoiled...often sleeps with mommy still but such a big girl always goes to bed in her crib and usually will stay there unless teething.
-Loves animals!! Living on the mountain has been wonderful, this child is ecstatic over every animal she sees, not quite grasping the "gentle" concept yet. haha.
There is so much more but hard to put it all down. The upside to being a single mommy is that I get all the time with my daughter I don't have to share :) the downside is that I am sometimes absolutely exhausted. Sometimes I feel like that's a cop out, I mean how much am I really doing? I get a really good burst of energy right when I get home but after dinner, bath dishes, more dishes, and then trying to do extra work on top I tend to fall asleep in the midst but when you are doing your best that's all that matters. Its important for me to be that great model for her so I am working on motivating myself to do more, try harder and complain less. After all I was given the greatest miracle in the world, who can whine about that?